
Methenolone Enanthate Powder (Primobolan E)




Methenolone Enanthate Powder (Primobolan E)

Methenolone Enanthate Powder (Primobolan E) (methenolone enanthate) is a dihydrotestosterone (DHT) based anabolic steroid. It is an ester derivative of methenolone sold commonly under the brand names Primobolan (tablet form) or Primobolan Depot (injectable).


Methenolone Enanthate keep oestrogen and androgenic, cutting cycles. During a cutting cycle the product could be stacked with a non-aromatising androgen to aid muscle hardness whilst keeping a very defined look with little water retention.


1. Injectable Primobolan (Methenolone Enanthate): Medical prescription guidelines for the injectable variant of Primobolan called for an initial dose of 200mg, followed by 100mg weekly for the duration of therapy. Depending on the medical condition being treated, Primobolan doses can land anywhere in the range of 100mg every 1 – 2 weeks or 200mg every 2 – 3 weeks. There exist no separate medical dosing guidelines for female patients.
2. Oral Primobolan (Methenolone Acetate): Medical prescription guidelines for the oral variant of Primobolan were that of 100 – 150mg per day for no longer than a 6 – 8 week period. Just as with the injectable Primobolan prescription guidelines, there are no separate instructions for female Primobolan doses.


Finest Research Chemical are European based company specializing in retails and wholesale distribution of the best Re-find Research Chemicals.

Since our founding, we have been developing a vast catalog of products to meet the needs of our customers. We have grown our capabilities to include active pharmaceutical ingredient manufacturing, forensic analytical standard production, contract research service expertise, pre-clinical drug development, research grant support, and community outreach. Through all these endeavors, we remain committed to our origins and our founding vision: to provide affordable, high-quality products and to serve the research community.

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10 Grams, 25 Grams, 50 Grams, 100 Grams, 250 Grams, 500 Grams, 1000 Grams

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